Finding Inner Peace

As I sit here and type BLOG – from my Soul to yours – I am feeling in a total bliss vibe.

Im in the rhythm of manifesting EVERYTHING I desire.. even just the simple things in life.

On Sunday my dream of kayaking on the weekends became a reality and we had a chilled out kayak up the river.

We come to this opening on the river and the view was spectacular.
It took my breathe away and I felt like I was in another world.

I could see these stunning mystical, but magical mountains in the distance and the river lay in front of them.
The sky was a vibrant blue.
The sun was shining.

I could off stayed out there all day. I was just in awe of this view.
It made me realise again that life and living is 100% all about being in the now.

What had happened was I was not rushing around, running here to there oblivious to my surroundings.

I was right there in the moment and I was able to fully see the simplicity of the beauty all around me.

And I thought to myself, if I were to be present and not rush in my life, imagine how much beauty I would get to experience every moment of my day.

The beauty gave me a feeling of inner peace.. inner connection.. groundedness.

And I realised that true inner peace comes from these things.
Starting by being in the now.
Feeling the simplicity.
And seeing the beauty that surrounds us.

Kerrie X