What is Soul Alignment and how can you achieve it.

The term Soul Alignment represents what we are all ultimately chasing.
Soul Alignment is a deep inner feeling of peace and joy.
It's having crystal clear clarity and direction in life.
It's living with ease, flow, and abundance.

Being aligned to our soul, which is the essence of who we truly are, brings us into an energetic alignment, a flow of energy that's effortless and produces abundance in all areas of our life.

It allows us to live our life from our higher self with passion and purpose.

I believe we all have a mission here this lifetime.
And if your reading this, then you are being reminded!

We all have a message to share which in turn creates a ripple effect of change in the lives it touches.

Sharing your message comes in three categories.

  1. You run your own heart and soul-driven business that changes the lives of those that read your blogs or buy your coaching or courses.
  2. You are an employee and simply love sharing your wisdom with your co-workers.
  3. You love having a chat with people at the supermarket checkout and other random places. You just feel called to speak to that person.

It only takes one thing that you say to another person and it has the ability to change the projectory of their life.

Have a think about what category you fit into.


Now let's have a look at how we achieve Soul Alignment.

First, it takes a commitment to clear your negative beliefs and stories and replace them with positive goals and dreams.
This is not a quick fix, it's a lifelong journey.
That's why I say it takes commitment because it can feel hard, lonely, and painful but the reward is Soul Alignment which leads you to live a soulful healthy happy dream life!


Did you know that alignment is brought about by an energetic match to the thing you are wanting to have or create.
We call it manifesting.

It all begins with a thought.
That thought creates a feeling.
That feeling has a vibration.

And that vibration can only be a match if it is of the same frequency.

Let's look at an example of how being out of alignment can look like.

You are a heart and soul-centered business owner that wants to bring more money into your business.
You have a goal of $10K months but have been stuck at $5K months for some time.

You feel down and your thoughts are in financial lack off.
You think and feel like you can never move beyond the financial level you are at.
No matter what you try, you just can't sign anyone up for your course or coaching.

Can you see how you have a financial goal that feels good and is achievable?
That goal has its vibrational frequency.

But because your mind and body are vibrating in a low vibration of lack off they cannot align.

The only way to align to your $10K goal is to clear those money beliefs and stories and map out how many courses or coaching you need to sell so you have clarity.

Let's say your coaching program is $1000 a month.
You will need another five clients to reach the $10K.

Now you have removed the limiting belief blocks and have a crystal clear idea of what you need to do to reach your goal, you can now focus on the direction of five more people purchasing your coaching rather than being in the financial lack of vibration.

Your vibration will rise from lack of, to can do and help you attract those five extra clients.

Here's the thing.. we are ALWAYS manifesting.

Whether you know it or not, remember how I told you.. your thoughts create feelings, your feelings create a vibration, the vibration creates an alignment with that which is of the same frequency.

So if you are emanating a low vibe of lack off.. lack of money.. lack of health.. lack of friends.. lack of self-love.. you will attract more of that.

If you are emitting a high vibe of an abundance of money.. health.. friends.. self-love.. then you will attract more of that.

It's pretty simple right.

If you need some help with Soul Alignment, I offer 1:1 online sessions to help you dig deep and find the blocks that are holding you back from achieving the life of your dreams.

Go to https://www.soulyhealth.com.au/1-1-with-kerrie/ for more information.

Remember you are here for a higher purpose, a reason.
You are here to live with joy, peace, and abundance.
Don't let another day go by being stuck like groundhog day.


Kerrie X

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