How to Manifest your Dreams
Manifesting is how you achieve what you desire.
Whether you know your doing it or not you are always manifesting.
For good or for bad.
It starts with a thought.
That thought leads into a feeling.
That feeling creates a vibration.
That vibration creates an alignment to the desired thing you want.
The Dream.
That alignment creates a magnetic pull and before you know it its a physical reality.
Sounds so easy right?
It is.
But you need to keep your thoughts and feelings on the end Dream.
The only thing that is going to hold you back is your thoughts!
This is probably the most difficult part of manifesting.
It can be hard when you first start out because our default is negative programming.
Its there to protect you and keep you safe from harm.
Its the primitive part of us.
But the good news is you can override it.
You can take control of this.
It will always need work but the more in alignment you get the more control you have.
This protection will never let you be anymore than someone who lives in fear and plays life small.
To play a bigger game - one I call soul success - is you need to be in a state of flow, feeling the abundance like an unstoppable magnetic force that you naturally are.
You just have to turn it on!
Some tools I use to get in flow, abundance are:
Meditation - I use guided meditations if my mind is full of chatter but once I get in flow I sit in a silent space and tap into my body and allow myself to channel through what I need to hear or share.
I call in EXACTLY what I want - specifically. I get super clear on what it is I want to the finest details.
Create a vision board - I put my crystal clear goals and dreams on my vision board so I can use it to focus on daily creating the energy around it that I need.
Plan - at the end of the day I plan out my next day.. step by step. This is how I know I am taking the daily action to get to the goals and dreams I want FAST. I do this for personal and business goals and dreams. Don't over plan though or you'll find yourself not ticking of all the actions on your daily sheet and this will shift the energy from flow and abundance to negative and blocked.
Visualize - I always visualize what I am in the process of manifesting. By visualizing I create the thought, that creates the feeling, that creates the vibration, that creates the reality from the ACTION you take.
Affirmations - I rewire my mindset with affirmations. Affirmations are a positive statement I say over and over until I start to get the feeling of it being true.
I love to flip negative thoughts and statements around. The more you do this the less it happens. For instance if I catch myself saying "I cant afford it", I will reword it instantly to "I have more than enough money to have all that I desire".
I avoid the news. Its negative and their is no good that comes from it for me for my soul growth. Its makes me have feelings of sadness and even anxiety. This is NOT raising my vibration, its lowering it. I always want to be doing things that raise my vibration.
I avoid negative people. Yes your loved ones are going to have times where they need you for support and Im all down for that BUT its the energy vampires that I remove myself from.
The ones that take your high vibe to fill up their low vibe cup. They walk away feeling great while I'm left exhausted.
Avoid these people no matter who they are!
You will never soul succeed while these people are sucking the life out of you.
That's the truth of the reality.
I walk early in the morning at 5am. Theres something magical about waking up early with the birds and sun. The vibe is still and peaceful and I love using my walk time to ground in for the day, to connect with myself, my guides and tap in to channel messages for myself.
I use this time to manifest to the Universe. To ask for my Dreams and feel grattitude.
Lucky last.. but most important is I take ACTION!
I take divine inspired action when I want something.
I never sit back and wait for it to happen.
I do what needs to happen to make it a reality.. even if I don't really want too because it makes me uncomfortable or it means I need to make a little sacrifice.
But the reward is I get my Dream as a reality and that is the most AMAZING feeling ever.
Kerrie X