Soul School

→ Do you feel deep within your Soul that there is more to your life?

→ Do you have BIG Dreams and Goals?

→ Does your Health need improving?

→ Do you feel their is more to life for you than the life you are currently living?

→ Do you feel that you have more to offer in your business?


If you answered YES - Perfect!

Your going to become your own self healing guru.


You are going to LOVE all that the Soul School has to offer you.

What is the Soul School?

The Soul School is the home of all Kerrie's life work.

→ The mini masterminds.

→ The teachings.

→ The mini courses.

→ The meditations.

→ The channeling's.


→ Its a community of like minded souls.

→ Its a sisterhood.

→ Its a place to practice your new found skills in the safety of the sisterhood.


→ Its a space for you to come and immerse yourself in deep soul searching teachings.. mini masterminds.. mini courses.. meditations and channelings.

→ Its a space for you to encounter massive shifts in your life.

→ Its a space for you to align with your Souls destiny.

→ Its a space for you to create massive transformation in all areas of your life.


SSMM Soul Alignment

Who is the Soul School for?

→ Your a conscious female ready to uplevel your life, health and business.

→ Your craving a community of like minded Soul sisters.

→ Your looking for a Mastermind where you can be supported and collaborate with other like minded Soul sisters.

→ Your ready to learn the tools needed to create a truly magical life + biz + amazing health!

→ Your on a spiritual journey of self discovery.

→ You feel to the depth of your Soul there is more to the life you are currently living.

→ Your seeking clarity in your Life + Biz.

→ Your seeking direction in your Life + Biz.

→ You are seeking Alignment in your Life + Biz.

→ Your ready to achieve your BIG Goals and Dreams.

→ Your ready for great Health + an abundance of energy

→ You want to raise your vibration to manifest the Life + Health + Biz of your Dreams.. easily and effortlessly while getting results fast.

→ You feel the inner nudge to join.

Whats inside the Soul School?

Membership to the Soul School gets you 24/7 access to -

→ A bunch of mini courses and masterclasses on all things personal development.. spiritual development.. health.. wealth and happiness.

→ Tools and tips for manifesting the life, health and biz of your dreams!

→ How to's for living your best life.

→ Weekly inspiration.

→ Yummy Plant-Powered Vegan recipes.

→ Everything you could ever need to go on your soul-searching journey, to uplevel your life and biz is inside the membership.


Content in this sacred space will be never-ending!




(This price is for a lifetime while you are an active member!)


per month

Join the Soul School NOW!


$10 per month
  • Become part of a like minded Soul Sister mastermind tribe for soul growth, support and collaboration while you transform your life, create optimal health & grow your business!
  • Full access to Soul School and all its content for as long as you keep your subscription active.


What happens now I've paid?

All paid up... Woohoo... Welcome lovely!

Now come on over and join the Soul School sacred space on the button below.