Why I created the Easy Vegan Guide
I never knew the importance of eating a healthy diet even though I was brought up eating pretty good food.
Porridge for breakfast.Wholemeal sandwich for lunch and a piece of fruit.. usually the choice was an apple or orange.
Dinner was meat and vege.
Fruit was your snack!
And sometimes mum would bake a cake for us to have as a treat.
I only really fully comprehended food as medicine in my late 30’s when my body started giving me grief.
I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis.And on top of that I was becoming exhausted by lunch time. I would need a nap after lunch so I could get though the day.
I became aware of how food made me feel and how it reacted with my mind, body and soul.
I tapped in to my body and started to ask my body what it needed.
It didn’t want processed foods anymore.It didn’t want meat anymore.
So I went vegetarian to begin with and a few years later removed dairy and transitioned to a plant based vegan diet.
My osteoarthritis pain reduced by a whopping 90%!
I created my own supplement, the Super 7 Blend (I share this goodness in the shop.. https://www.soulyhealth.com.au/product/super-7-blend/) and that improved my energy levels 100%.
I noticed how my mood was affected by food and my connection to self and universal energy aswell.
I became aware that the processed foods I was eating where dumbing me down so to speak.They had created a brain fog, a heaviness that I only discovered once I cleaned up my diet and I felt it shift and my mind was super sharp.
A feeling I was not aware off! I wanted others to experience the same.
I thought I felt fine until I changed my diet and realised how bad my body was actually feeling.
So I created the Easy Vegan Guide to help others change their health and wellness too just like I have.
Its been a gamechanger for me and my family.It wasn’t that hard.
It just took one step at a time.
I created the Easy Vegan Guide to take the hastle out of the how-to and make it EASY!
My dream is that I will inspire One Million women in 2021 change their life and health!
Big Love
Kerrie X