Tips for Energy Clearing
Energy Clearing is such a huge topic and one that I love.
It was seriously such a game changer for me and my family and still blows my mind that something so simple can literally change the vibe of your home, your workplace, yourself, and your family.
In the SOUL SCHOOL Mastery Membership that I run for conscious soul sisters, I have an in depth Masterclass where we cover alot, but here are some tips for you to get you started.
How do you know if you need to do an Energy Cleanse around the home?
If your home has cobwebs that’s a pretty good sign that you have trapped stagnant energy.You’ll generally see these cobwebs in the corners of your rooms.
When you cleansing focus on these cobwebbed areas.
How do you know if you need to do an Energy Cleanse on yourself or your family?
- If your vibe is low and your in a negative space
- If you don’t feel like yourself
- Nothing seems to be going right in your life
- If your feeling grumpy all the time and cant shake it
- If your child is not themselves, grumpy, agitated, not sleeping, wetting the bed, and other behaviors that is out of character. These are some key signs that you need to do an Energy Cleanse.
Because we are energy beings we can take on the energy of other people and even the energy of a space such as a shopping center or someone else’s house.
This energy is attached to our auric field which surrounds us and fuels us. So low vibe energy will make you feel negative, tired and stressed.
How do I do an Energy Cleanse?
The most popular way is with a sage stick.These can be purchased from a crystal shop or online.
To cleanse your home or workspace –
- Once you have your sage stick then light it up and once it starts to smoke blow out the flames.
- Set the intent that any negative energy will be transmuted and sent back to source. Any attachments will be released.
- In a swirling motion starting at your front door walk through your home repeating the intent you set until you reach the back door.
- Visualize any negative energy transmuted leaving and returning to source.
- Place the lit end of the sage stick in sand or soil. I have a bowl of sand that I keep for mine.
To cleanse your aura (or kids)-
- Set the intent that any negative energy, attachments that is not yours or that no longer serve you well be released and transmuted back into divine source energy.
- Light the sage stick and swirl it around your body as you repeat your intent.
If your cleansing your child, get them to stand still and even encourage them to participate by setting the intent with you on what they would like to release. They can hold their favorite crystal if they wish.
Swirl the sage stick around them as you repeat the intent. - Imagine all cords being cut and released that no longer serve you or your child well. Imagine the energy transmuting back to divine source energy.
- Once you have completed the cleanse, place the lit end in soil or sand to put it out.
You’ll notice cobwebs go away and your home or workspace will feel much lighter and happier, aswell as you and your child feeling much lighter and happier.
Let me know how you go! Connect with me on instagram or facebook
Kerrie X